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【New product】ANGLER RE-168 Heavy Armor(Carbon Dioxide Gas gun)

所属类别:  Scene effect machine

The new focus RE-168 heavy armor is the entertainment trend nowadays. Its powerful energy activates your every cell, lights up your passion! Injection direction is easier setting, ie, up or down, left or right direction for choice. You arrogant carry all before it, where you see it, each one will fly up high in the sky;How more fantastic to add confetti into the barrel when performing! Let's count together:3...2...1..., to light up the whole city passion!




The new focus RE-168 heavy armor is the entertainment trend nowadays. Its powerful energy activates your every cell, lights up your passion! Injection direction is easier setting, ie, up or down, left or right direction for choice. You arrogant carry all before it, where you see it, each one will fly up high in the sky;How more fantastic to add confetti into the barrel when performing! Let's count together:3...2...1..., to light up the whole city passion!


机器尺寸(mm)Machine Size828 * 710 * 1220
包装箱外尺寸(mm)Packing Size900 * 570 * 1295
电压VoltageAC 220V~240V
DMX通道数DMX Channel 1
油桶升数Tank Capacity--
现支持的控制方式Operation ModeDMX、LCD display、电控(Power control)
可拓展的控制方式Extensiable Operation Mode

RE-168 Feature

1. New nozzle, precise design structure, no leakage problem.

2. Produces powerful discolor smoke upright in a flash with strong visual impact, high up to 10m.

3. Adopting imported precise pneumatic elements to extend life span a lot.

4. Inside elements are in 12V safe voltage, is to prevent any injured from electric conduction when the hot water vapor is produced.

5. Injection direction is easier setting, ie, up or down, left or right direction for choice, allow your imagination free rein.

6. The importance is that confetti is allowed to be filled in the barrel, having visual diversity.

7. Easier operation:DMX 512, wireless remote and manual control.

8. Convenient for installation, suitable for many places.




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